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StampManage FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


1. I have a laptop and desktop computer, I would like to use StampManage on both computers.  Is this allowed?  If so, how can I do this? You can install the program on more than one machine as long as only 1 person will be using the program at a time.  StampManage uses a file called STAMPDATA.MDB that contains all the text data in the program.  If you want to switch between computers, you can set your data folder to an external hard drive or USB flash drive and connect the drive to whichever computer you are currently using.  If you select (File > Go to Data Folder), the program will open the Windows folder that contains the StampManage STAMPDATA.MDB file. StampManage File goto Data folder command

Note that switch the data folder using the Preferences (Tools > Preferences) will not copy the data file over to the newly selected folder, you must do this manually.  You should also set the Stamp Images folder to a location on the external device.  The Stamp Images folder contains any images that you have attached to stamps entered into a collection. 2. How often are program updates?  How much does it cost?


You can download free updates to the program using the Check For Updates feature under the Help menu.  We try to release free updates every 2-3 months which will include updated varieties, program and data fixes and perhaps a minor new feature. 

3. Do you have an Apple Mac version of StampManage?

We do not have a native Mac version of StampManage at this time.  The program should work on a Mac with a PC Emulator program called Parallels.  See for more information.  Before purchasing, please verify that the program will work on your environment by downloading the demo.  We do not test the software using a Mac and PC emulator.

4. How do I add stamps to the pre-defined database that ships with StampManage?

4. Can I keep track of more than 1 stamp collection using StampManage?

Absolutely..StampManage lets you create unlimited collections.  Perhaps your son our daughter has a separate collection.  To create a new collection, click on the Create Collection icon on the toolbar.

Create a collection

or choose File > New > Collection from the main menu.

StampManage File New Collection menu choice

write a name and optional comments for the collection.  Note: Don't use the ' character in the collection name as it is a reserved character in our database engine and will be removed.

StampManage create collection dialog

You will then see the new collection in the Collections window

StampManage Dads Collection

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